<p>Fafahhamna: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam, published by the Ahwal Al Syakhshiyyah Study Program, at STAI Mempawah. This journal is published regularly twice a year, namely June and December. The focus of this journal examines research in the field of Islamic legal thought and Islamic family law, both literacy research and field research. The scope of this journal's study is in the field of Islamic thought and Islamic legal thought related to family, human rights, marriage, divorce, inheritance, wills, grants, waqf, zakat and alms.</p> <p>Fafahhamna: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam, diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Ahwal Al Syakhshiyyah, STAI Mempawah. Jurnal ini terbit secara berkala dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu bulan Juni dan Desember. Fokus jurnal ini mengkaji penelitian di bidang pemikiran hukum Islam dan hukum keluarga Islam, baik penelitian literasi maupun penelitian lapangan. Ruang lingkup kajian jurnal ini adalah dalam bidang pemikiran Islam dan pemikiran hukum Islam yang berkaitan dengan keluarga, hak asasi manusia, perkawinan, perceraian, warisan, wasiat, hibah, wakaf, zakat dan sedekah.</p>Program Studi Ahwal Al-Syakhshiyyahen-USFafahhamnaIntegrasi Teori Hierarki Kebutuhan Abraham Maslow Dan Maqasid Al-Shariʿah Terhadap Urgensi Kepuasan Seksual Sebagai Kunci Membangun Keharmonisan Keluarga
<p><em>This study explores the urgency of sexual satisfaction in marriage as an essential factor in building family harmony, integrating Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory and </em><em>Maq</em><em>as</em><em>id al-Shar</em><em>i</em><em>ʿah</em><em>. It employs a literature review with a qualitative research approach, drawing data from books, journals, and websites related to the research topic. The study asserts that sexual satisfaction is a crucial element in establishing and maintaining family harmony. The findings indicate that sexual satisfaction significantly enhances the quality of the marital relationship, strengthens emotional bonds, and reduces potential conflicts within the marriage. The research utilizes a combined theoretical framework of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and </em><em>Maq</em><em>as</em><em>id al-Shar</em><em>i</em><em>ʿah</em><em>. From Maslow's perspective, sexual satisfaction not only fulfills physiological needs but also influences higher-level needs such as safety, love, self-esteem, and self-actualization, all of which contribute to family stability and happiness. Meanwhile, from the </em><em>Maq</em><em>as</em><em>id al-Shar</em><em>i</em><em>ʿah</em><em> perspective, sexual satisfaction is considered a vital element in the preservation of progeny (hifz an-nasl) and life (hifz an-nafs), supporting the overall well-being of individuals and families. These findings emphasize that maintaining sexual satisfaction in marriage is a key step in achieving and sustaining family harmony, with broad implications for the physical, mental, and spiritual health of couples. This research offers significant contributions to marriage counselors, educators, and policymakers in designing programs that support family well-being through the enhancement of sexual satisfaction.</em></p>Rizki PangestuSarah AqilaArif Sugitanata
Copyright (c) 2025 Fafahhamna
2025-01-172025-01-1732119Status Nasab Anak Di Luar Nikah Akibat Dihamili Oleh Mahrom Dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam
<p><em>This research is based on the existence of problems that occur in the community, which involves the Status of Children Outside Marriage Due to Being Impregnated by Mahromnya. This study aims to find out the status of the nasab of children born from blood relations, in this study, the researcher also proposed the determination according to the Perspective of Islamic Law. The method used in conducting this research is using field research with a qualitative approach in which data collection is carried out through interviews, observations, and documentation.</em></p> <p><em>Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the Status of the Destiny of Children Outside of Marriage Due to Being Impregnated by Mahrom In the Perspective of Islamic Law, the Status of the Child's Destiny is the same as the determination of the child as a result of adultery or extramarital affairs. Namely, the child cannot be attached to the father, as well as the guardianship and inheritance rights. Children cannot get inheritance rights from the father and fathers cannot be the guardians of the child. However, in the eyes of the law, the child is still the child of his biological father. It's just that he cannot be attributed to the father, but he only has a nasab relationship with the mother and the mother's family.</em></p>Muhammad Hambali Hambali
Copyright (c) 2025 Fafahhamna
2025-01-172025-01-17322031Upaya Kodifikasi Dalam Mewujudkan Legislasi Hukum Islam Ke Dalam Hukum Nasional
<p><em>Islamic law is based on the Al-Qur’an and Hadith under the title of sharia, while Islamic law under the title Fiqh is found both in the thoughts of ulama and fiqh books through ijtihad and remains guided by the Al-Qur’an and Hadith. The history of Islamic law continues to develop and needs to be reformed while still being guided by the Qur'an and Hadith. So that initially Islamic law was only a source of Islamic law, it was necessary to realize taqnin or codification of Islamic law so that it had legal force or was known as legal certainty.</em> <em>Codification is a process of recording and enforcing Islamic law in the form of statutory regulations compiled systematically. Codification of Islamic law by mujtahid schools through the science of Ushul Fiqh with Qawaid Ushuliyah and Qawaid Fiqhiyah in determining Islamic law. The essence of the codification of Islamic law is expected to be able to create certainty of legal order in society regarding all provisions relating to Islamic law which can lead to the unification of Islamic law in Indonesia.</em></p> <p><em>The research uses literature studies from several books and other scientific writings related to codification efforts in realizing Islamic legal legislation into national law with the aim of realizing legal certainty and order in society which can ultimately lead to the unification of Islamic law in Indonesia. </em></p>Rondang Herlina
Copyright (c) 2025 Fafahhamna
2025-01-172025-01-17323246Perspektif Hukum Islam Terhadap Hadiah Dan Suap Dalam Konteks Darurat Administrasi
<p><em>Giving gifts is commonly done in society as a form of one's gratitude to other people, with the aim of strengthening social ties between them. However, if the gift is given for a particular reason or another, then it could be said that the gift is a bribe. This research tries to explain between gifts and bribes in the context of administrative emergencies. In the view of Islamic law. This research is normative juridical research with a qualitative approach. So this research can explore and explain as well as understand and analyze the concepts of gifts and bribes according to Islamic law.</em></p>Rabiatul Hidayah
Copyright (c) 2025 Fafahhamna
2025-01-172025-01-17324758Status Kewarisan Pemohon Euthanasia ( Studi Komparasi Mazhab Syafi’iyyah Dan Malikiyyah )
<p><em>Euthanasia is a dilemma that puts health workers in a very difficult situation. Because until now it continues to be a matter of debate both experts from the religious, medical and ethical components have not yet reached an agreement. This research aims to reveal how scholars from the Syafi'iyyah and Malikiyyah explain the law of the inheritance of euthanasia applicants by using a comparative method between the opinions of the Syafi'iyyah and Malikiyyah on the status of the inheritance of euthanasia applicants. The results concluded that the legal status of the applicant (which is equated with the perpetrator) of active euthanasia in the view of the scholars including Syafi'iyah and Malikiyyah is an act of intentional killing (al-qatl al-amdi). So that active euthanasia in terms of inheritance is prohibited from inheriting, in this case the scholars agree both Syafi'iyah and Malikiyah, while in passive euthanasia which is included in the category of accidental murder, there are differences between the scholars of Syafi'iyah and Malikiyah in determining the law as a barrier to inheritance. According to Syafi'iyah, intentional murder is a barrier to inheritance, while according to Malikiyah scholars in passive euthanasia which categorizes the applicant as a perpetrator of murder by mistake (al-Qatl Khata') is not a barrier to inheritance.</em></p>nurul fathanah
Copyright (c) 2025 Fafahhamna