Sa’diyahlp2m.staimempawah@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Journal on English as a Foreign Language is a peer-reviewed and open-access journal in teaching and learning English as a foreign and second language. The journal follows a double-blind review policy.</p> <p>The aim is to publish research-based articles having a depth discussion of the theories and practices of teaching and learning English as a foreign and second language. This journal connects conversational thoughts among English language practitioners and researchers with any interdisciplinary perspectives.</p> <p>The scope of JEEIM addresses English language teaching (EEIM) areas in the context of English as a foreign and second language, such as EEIM pedagogy, EEIM and learning resources, EEIM and teacher professional development, innovation in EEIM, language assessment, technology-based EEIM, and literacy education in EEIM.</p> Strategies For Children With Special Needs By Islamic Religious Education At School Of SDN 16 Sengkubang Mempawah Hilir 2024-08-20T07:31:13+00:00kholil<p><em>The learning strategy for Islamic religious education teachers is a stage that has a purpose. Therefore, a learning strategy is a process to achieve a goal in learning, so that learning can run well according to what the Islamic religious education teacher wants. Children with special needs are children who have different characteristics from children in general. Apart from that, children with special needs are children who have limitations both mentally, emotionally</em><em>,</em><em> and physically. Inclusion schools are schools that combine regular education units with education for children with special needs. Therefore education is very important for anyone. </em></p> <p><em>The results of this research show that, the strategy of Islamic religious education teachers does not have a special strategy for children with special needs, because Islamic religious education teachers collaborate on the four methods, namely the lecture method, question and answer, demonstration, and drill method. The efforts made by Islamic religious education teachers can be achieved so that Islamic religious learning can be effective. he supporting factor is that the principal provides all forms of facilities for learning activities and discipline. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors are inadequate facilities and infrastructure, namely a lack of training, especially in dealing with children with special needs and a lack of communication between the teachers and the student's parents.</em></p>2024-09-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JEEIM Rule In Second Langguage Acquisition For The Sixth Semester Of English Departemen At STAI Mempawah<p><em>Grammatical functions are assigned directly to the underlying representation in a more or less across the board fashion, only taking into consideration the language dependent semantic function hierarchy. This approach bypasses a number of constraints on subject assignment that may be gathered from data, and observed from the actual behaviour of speakers</em><em>.</em><em> We propose a treatment of subject assignment on the basis of a combination of semantic factors of the relevant referents and other functional aspects of underlying representations. In Subject (and Object) assignment is now located in the </em><em>daily diologue</em><em>, in Mackenzie, J (200</em><em>4</em><em>). </em></p> <p><em>Grammar instruction is one of the method of language teaching context-based grammar holds an important place for effective learning. It will be more motivating for learners if grammar is taught in context as students will have an opportunity to perceive how the new grammar structures work. Grammar rules are easier if they are given in context and teaching grammar in context provides accuracy in the target language. This article explains why we should teach grammar in context and present continuous tense</em><em>teaching process</em><em>.</em></p> <p><em>Language acquisition is very similar to the process </em><em>students </em><em> use when learning first and second language It requires meaningful interaction in the target l</em><em>anguage’s </em><em>natural communication--in which speakers are concerned not with the form of their utterances but with the messages they are conveying and understanding. Error correction and explicit teaching of rules are not relevant to language acquisition (Brown, 1970), native speakers can modify their utterances addressed to acquirers to help them understand.</em></p>2024-09-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JEEIM Personal Diary Benefits Of English Writing For Class X In MAN 1 Mempawah2024-08-20T07:34:09+00:00Salma<p><em>This study aims to explore the benefits of diary writing in English writing class for grade X students of MAN 1 Mempawah. Diary writing has been seen as a way of directing students to keep writing, because it has become much more interesting. The more they have been practicing writing, the better they have been getting at developing their writing skills.</em> <em>The method used in this research has been a case study, with the research subjects being the X grade students of MAN 1 Mempawah. The research data has been obtained through observation and interviews. </em></p> <p><em>The results have been showing that the application of diary writing in English writing class has been providing several benefits for students, including: improving students' writing skills in English, helping students in organizing and generating their own ideas, increasing students' engagement in learning, increasing students' interest in learning to write, and increasing students' creativity in writing. Based on the results of this study, it has been recommended that English teachers consider using diary writing media in English writing classes to improve students' writing skills. In addition, the selection of the type of text to be taught has been needing to be considered, because an interesting</em><em>.</em></p>2024-09-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JEEIM Effectiveness Of LCD Projector As A Learning Media In Improving Students’ Speaking Skills At The Sevent Grade Of MTs Al Adabiy In Academic Year 2023/<p><em>The aims of this research is to determine the effectiveness of LCD projectors as a learning media to improving students’ speaking skills in the seventh grade of MTs Al-Adabiy in the academic year 2023/2024. Many students feel that speaking English is difficult. Using technology in education is an alternative to improving students’ speaking skills. The researcher helps the students improve their speaking skills with an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) projector. LCD projector is a projection tool that is capable of displaying media elements of images, text, video, and animation either separately or in combination with these media elements.</em></p> <p><em>This research used a pre-experimental design with one group pre-test and post-test design. The sample of the research was seventh grade of MTs Al-Adabiy in the academic year 2023/2024. There were 28 students as the sample of the research consisted of 15 male students and 13 female students. To get the score of the test, the researcher used the conversation test in the pre-test and post-test. The students forward in front of the class to have a conversation with their classmates.</em></p> <p><em>The result of this research can be seen in the mean score of the pre-test and post-test in pronunciation and fluency aspects. The result showed that the mean score of the pronunciation post-test was 65,92 and the mean score of the pronunciation pre-test was 60,68. The mean score of the fluency post-test was 70,28 and the mean score of the fluency pre-test was 65,82. This means that there is a significant effect of the LCD projector as a learning media to improve students’ speaking skills. So can be concluded that the LCD projector was effective in improving students’ speaking skills.</em></p>2024-09-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JEEIM Correlation Between Students' English Vocabulary Mastery And English Reading Of Class VIII In MTs Babul Khairat 2022/20232024-08-20T07:37:20+00:00Siti<p><em>To evaluate the extent to which students mastery of English vocabulary affects their English reading and to determine the relationship between the level of students English vocabulary mastery and their English reading ability. </em><em>The</em><em> research design was a correlational design which was procedure in quantitative research in which the researcher measured the degree of relationship between two or more variables using the statistical procedure of correlational analysis. </em></p> <p><em>From the results of the researcher, it can be said that there is a correlation between students learning results between vocabulary and reading comprehension ability of 8th graders MTs Babul Khairat 0.416.the researcher intends to find out the correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension from the test results. Correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension </em><em> 0.416. While the </em><em> value at a significant level of 0.05 and degrees of freedom (df) 20 is 0.444. From these results, </em><em> is lower than </em><em> which means there is a negative relationship between vocabulary mastery and reading in class VIII B MTs Babul Khairat.</em></p>2024-09-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JEEIM