The Correlation Between Students' English Vocabulary Mastery And English Reading Of Class VIII In MTs Babul Khairat 2022/2023


  • Siti Nurbaiti Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Mempawah


Correlation, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension.


To evaluate the extent to which students mastery of English vocabulary affects their English reading and to determine the relationship between the level of students English vocabulary mastery and their English reading ability. The research design was a correlational design which was procedure in quantitative research in which the researcher measured the degree of relationship between two or more variables using the statistical procedure of correlational analysis.

From the results of the researcher, it can be said that there is a correlation between students learning results between vocabulary and reading comprehension ability of 8th graders MTs Babul Khairat 0.416.the researcher intends to find out the correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension from the test results. Correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension  0.416. While the  value at a significant level of 0.05 and degrees of freedom (df) 20 is 0.444. From these results,  is lower than  which means there is a negative relationship between vocabulary mastery and reading in class VIII B MTs Babul Khairat.




How to Cite

Siti Nurbaiti. (2024). The Correlation Between Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery And English Reading Of Class VIII In MTs Babul Khairat 2022/2023. JEEIM, 2(2), 42–50. Retrieved from


