Kurangnya Fasilitas Yang Memadai Dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa MI Mis Assasul Muttaqin Dusun Ulu Sungai


  • kholil urrahim STAI Mempawah


Facilities, Improving Quality, Learning Motivation.


School facilities are the most important thing in the learning process, infrastructure is one of the components that must be fulfilled to support good educational management, infrastructure includes basic facilities to carry out school functions. Education is a source of national progress which greatly determines the nation's competitiveness, so the quality of the education sector must continuously be improved. Current facts show that there is still a gap in the quality of education in this country. This is a support or interest for researchers to conduct research regarding the lack of adequate facilities at MI Mis Assasul Muttaqin Dusun Ulu Sungai, because in the initial observations the researchers noticed the lack of supporting facilities for improving the quality of students, including whether or not infocus as a learning medium, media learning practice. The aim of this research is how to increase student learning motivation by using inadequate facilities. From this objective, the researcher obtained a significant conclusion that students can still have high quality and in accordance with the wishes of students in the MI Mis Assasul muttaqin Dusun Ulu Sungai environment.




How to Cite

urrahim, kholil. (2024). Kurangnya Fasilitas Yang Memadai Dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa MI Mis Assasul Muttaqin Dusun Ulu Sungai. Al-Astar, 3(2), 1–14. Retrieved from http://jurnal.staimempawah.ac.id/index.php/alastar/article/view/126


