Konteks Riqab Sebagai Mustahiq Zakat (Menurut Wahbah Az- Zuhaili, Yusuf Al-Qardhawi Dan Kontekstualisasi Riqab Dalam Masa Kini)


  • Sri Wahyuni STAIM


Riqab, Wahbah Az- Zuhaili, Yusuf al-Qardhawi, and the Present.


This research raises the first problem, what is the meaning of ar riqab according to Wahbah az-zuhaili, Yusuf Al-Qardhawi and current times? Second, how to contextualize the meaning of ar-riqab when applied today? This type of research is doctrinal research with a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The results of the research conclude that, first, the ar-riqab in conventional terminology as a slave is no longer relevant in current conditions. Ar-riqab can be understood as people who are shackled in poverty in a structured and massive manner, so that the functionalization of zakat as an economic instrument for the people to promote prosperity can be achieved. Second, one of the meanings of ar riqab that is appropriate to current conditions is the victim of the criminal act of human trafficking. This group is susceptible to economic exploitation so that it is difficult for them to empower themselves because they are under the power of other people. The instrument of zakat as an economic force can play a role in empowering victims of criminal trafficking by including it as aznaf ar riqab. The recommendation of this research is that zakat managers should contextually interpret ar-riqab and no longer focus on the meaning of slave, so that the functionalization of zakat as an instrument for fulfilling welfare can be achieved optimally.




How to Cite

Sri Wahyuni. (2024). Konteks Riqab Sebagai Mustahiq Zakat (Menurut Wahbah Az- Zuhaili, Yusuf Al-Qardhawi Dan Kontekstualisasi Riqab Dalam Masa Kini). Fafahhamna, 3(1), 21–35. Retrieved from http://jurnal.staimempawah.ac.id/index.php/fafahhamna/article/view/119


