Hubungan Agama Dengan Negara Dalam Integralistik, Sekularistik Dan Substantif-Simbiotik


  • Rondang Herlina Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Mempawah


Religion;, State;, Integralistic;, Secularistic;, Substantive-Symbiotic.


The paradigm surrounding the relationship between religion (Islam) and the state often attracts attention and even becomes controversial in Islamic society because it gives birth to fundamentalism, modernism, and other real forms. Three paradigms emerged regarding the relationship between religion and the state, namely integralistic, secularistic and substantive. In Indonesia, the relationship between the two experiences various struggles that are confrontational, reciprocal, critical to accommodative which have a symbiotic-mutualistic impact.

The aim of the research is to examine the relationship between religion and the state in integralistic, secularistic and substantive symbiotic typologies through a qualitative empirical approach, namely a scientific grouping that focuses on research on human behavior and the environment. Empirical is defined in philosophical terms to explain epistemological theories which regard experience as a source of knowledge. Then empirical research is a method that uses empirical evidence as information obtained through observation or experiment.

The results of this research will obtain historical knowledge regarding the relationship between religion and the state which is experiencing a dynamic process starting from a formalistic typology to a secularistic typology. From this typology, the relationship between religion and the state needs to be built based on a symbiotic or dynamic-dialectical typology. Constitutionally, religion and the state run dynamically-dialectically, so that the institutionalization of the substance of Islamic religious norms in the life system of the nation and state cannot be carried out in an unconstitutional way, but must go through a constitutional process, based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.




How to Cite

Rondang Herlina. (2023). Hubungan Agama Dengan Negara Dalam Integralistik, Sekularistik Dan Substantif-Simbiotik. Fafahhamna, 2(1), 1–20. Retrieved from


