Upaya Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Menerapkan Metode Demonstrasi Untuk Membentuk Akhlakul Karimah Pada Siswa Ma Al-Qomar Kelas Xi Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022
Efforts of Religious Education Teachers, Demonstration Methods, Akhlakul KarimahAbstract
This research in the background by Covid-19 has provided an overview of the world of education in the future through the help of technology. However, technology still cannot replace the role of teachers, lecturers, and learning interactions between students and teachers because education is not only about acquiring knowledge but also about values, cooperation, and competencies in the world of education. The focus of the research in this study is 1. How is the effectiveness of face-to-face learning during a pandemic? 2. What are the inhibiting and supporting factors for the effectiveness of face-to-face learning during a pandemic at MA Al-Mukhlishin Antibar? The purpose of this research is 1. To find out about how the principal's efforts in implementing face-to-face learning during the pandemic. 2. To find out about what are the inhibiting factors and supporting factors for the effectiveness of face-to-face learning at MA Al-Mukhlishin Antibar.
This research uses descriptive research type and qualitative approach. For the data collection method using the method of observation, interviews and documentation. Observation and interview methods were used to obtain data on the effectiveness of face-to-face learning in MA. Al-Mukhlishin Antibar. While the documentation used to dig up data about profiles, infrastructure, documents for teachers and students in MA. Al-Mukhlishin Antibar. In conducting data analysis, the steps used in this research are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing/verificatio.
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