Teori Sosial Struktural Fungsional Dalam Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam
Functional Structural, Development Education, And Islamic Education.Abstract
Education is a system so in it there are components that are interconnected with each other. Functional theory describes the state of society, a complex social system consisting of interconnected and interdependent parts. The research uses qualitative research methods and uses a method, namely library research. The person who was instrumental in developing modern Structural Functional theory was Talcott Parson and Robert K. Merton further developed it. In the educational context, sociological education can help develop curriculum and learning strategies that encourage the formation of good student character. The relationship between functional social structural theory and education, especially Islamic education, is that there is a link in the aim of building social harmony, with the application of social functional theory able to help form social character. Improving the social conditions of society supports the functioning of the social structure of society.