Strategi Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Kedisiplinan Siswa SMA Islam Ummul Quro Sungai Purun Kecil Kecamatan Sungai Pinyuh
Principal Strategy, Student DisciplineAbstract
This research was conducted at SMA Islam Ummul Quro Sungai purun Kecil, Kec. Pinyuh River Kab. Mempawah, in fact there are still some students who are not disciplined in implementing school programs that have been regulated by the principal, there are still students who come not on time, and do not wear uniforms. Therefore, principals are required to continue to make changes in improving the quality of education, including improving student discipline. This study aims to describe and analyze in depth the principal's strategy, the supporting and inhibiting factors in improving the discipline of Islamic high school students Ummul Quro Sungai purun kec. Peacock river. This research is a qualitative research, taking the background of the Islamic Senior High School Ummul Quro Sungai purun Kecil sub-district. Pinyuh River. While the type of research using descriptive, and data collection methods using interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis was carried out by analytical descriptive, namely giving meaning to the data that had been collected and from that meaning conclusions were drawn.
The results showed (1) the principal's strategy in improving the discipline of Ummul Quro Islamic High School students, namely the principal trying to be a good role model for his students, by trying to be disciplined from various things including coming early to school, wearing neat clothes, and leading do activities. 'a together before entering class, and also urges teachers and staff to come on time as a form of giving a common example to the school community and especially to students of Ummul Quro Islamic High School. (2) Discipline of Ummul Quro Islamic High School students. After there was a strong effort from the principal in improving discipline, it now appears that students are very disciplined in carrying out school programs that have been arranged with the school, there is no longer such a thing as students arriving late, and not dressing neatly. supporters and barriers to discipline students of Islamic Senior High School Ummul Quro. The supporting factor is the maximum encouragement from the Islamic boarding school foundation towards the agreed programs so that it is easier to run them. The inhibiting factor is that there are still some students who are not disciplined, arrive late, and do not dress neatly or do not wear uniforms on the pretext of inadequate family economic factors but the principal does not make this an obstacle, even as a challenge to always try to create a way out.
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