Implementasi Shalat Dhuha Berjamaah Dalam Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Di Pondok Pesantren Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al- Mukhlisin
Duha Prayer, CharacterAbstract
The results of this study found that (1) the implementation of the dhuha prayer. From the observations of the researchers who were carried out directly to the madrasa, the researchers saw that the dhuha prayer in congregation at MTs Al-Mukhlisin must be carried out by students and teachers. The implementation of the dhuha prayer is carried out every day except Monday because of the flag ceremony. For the dhuha prayer in congregation, the implementation starts at 06.40 where students are required to come to the madrasa early. Before the dhuha prayer and waiting for the new students to arrive, the teachers gave directions to the students to immediately enter the mosque and form a line of worshipers. (2) The character of the students before and after the implementation of the dhuha prayer can be seen in terms of their craft to go to the mosque to pray, which previously had not been applied to the dhuha prayer before 07.00 they relaxed in the dormitory, some were still bathing, tidying up books, put on shoes, eat and so on, and after starting the implementation of the dhuha prayer the students can no longer relax because at 06.40 they have to be in the mosque to perform the dhuha prayer. (3) The supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of the dhuha prayer, namely, the lazy factor of the students makes the dhuha prayer in congregation hampered because students are careless in carrying out the dhuha prayer, for that students must be disciplined and those who do not perform the dhuha prayer will be called to be advised and given direction. The lack of space for ablution places makes students have to jostle, for that reason, renovation of the expansion of the ablution place is carried out. The MTs Al-Mukhlisin mosque has provided various worship equipment such as mukena, sarong, prayer rug, Al-Qur'an, and tahlil books. Mukhlisin is equipped with a good sound system so that the voice of the imam can be heard throughout the mosque.
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