Konsep Pendidikan Anak Menurut Abdullah Nashih Ulwan Dalam Kitab Tarbiyatul Aulad Fil Islami
Children’s Education, Abdullah Nashin Ulwan, Tarbiyatul Aulad.Abstract
This research aims to find out and understand a concept from the thoughts of a Middle Eastern cleric named Abdullah Nashih Ulwan in the book Tarbiyatul Aulad Fil Islam. This research uses a type of library research with a descriptive qualitative approach. The results of this research show that children's education is a form of all efforts and efforts that parents and educators strive for in developing children's potential and maintaining the nobility of their nature by referring to the noble teachings and manhaj of Islam. with a focus on developing, paying attention to and developing their Aqidah, morals, physical, intellectual, mental and social abilities. According to Abdullah Nashih Ulwan, in his concept there are two basic important things that parents must pay attention to and understand as educators who are responsible for children's education, some of these responsibilities are: (1) initial education at the birth of the child in the form of: recommendations for the call to prayer, prayer techniques, shaving hair, giving a good name, aqiqah, and circumcision. Then, the responsibility for the content of children's educational material that will be carried and delivered is: faith education, moral education, physical education, intellectual education, psychological education and social education (2) good and effective facilities or methods in the early childhood education process . Namely: the example method, the habit method, the advice method, the attention and supervision method, the punishment method.